nested woven laundry baskets

Beauty in Simplicity

What we do here at Textile Apparel is more than sourcing and selling beautiful clothing. We want the idea of slow fashion to seep into the cracks in every area of your life. Understanding that this intentional lifestyle of well made goods and simplicity has a beauty beyond just what you get to wear. 

This beauty of simplicity can be found in the details of our everyday life. From the meals we make for friends, to the slowly blooming flowers as our seasons shift from winter to spring. The way the sun shines through the trees or the dew drops collect on the grass. We can see beauty everywhere we look if we are willing.

Textile Apparel's garments are selected to draw you into that simplicity. Well made by people who care deeply, be that locally within Canada or around the world. We select these pieces because they create small, yet highly significant changes for those we partner with and invest in. We want to create joy in these simple things, in the everyday moments from grabbing coffee and shopping for clothing to planting a garden or just sitting in the park. We select beautiful simple things to live in, to walk through the sorrows and joy of life finding beauty in all of it. 

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